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Broker Ivo (Fraiha Incorporadora)

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 10.19.56.jpeg

Custom Virtual Tour and for Google Maps

The company

Broker Ivo focuses on the sale of high-end properties in the city of São Paulo, and seeks the help of the most innovative marketing techniques to reach an audience that is often scarce. In this way, he looked for Oro360.


The project

Selling an apartment on the floor plan has its challenges, and a decorated one helps a lot in the process. Thus, Ivo called Oro360 to take a virtual tour of the decor created by Fraiha Incorporadora of the San Paolo project, in Alto de Pinheiros.


The development

The 340 meter decorated one took about 2 hours to be photographed, and the process of creating the tour for google maps and personalized with interactions was delivered in 1 week.


The result

The tour was very beautiful and attractive. Ivo used it in a strategic way, inserting it into his promotion website, where for the person to access the tour they would need to fill out a form. In this way, the tour served as an attraction for Ivo to get emails from new leads, potential customers, and thus generate a faster sale.

As the tour is still being used for sales purposes, it is not available for promotion here.

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