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Benefits and return on investment
If you own oneimmobile, the Virtual Tour can increase the rate of face-to-face visits by up to 50%. Incommercial establishments, the conversion rate can be 2 times higher when compared to businesses that do not use this tool. Forschools and universities, the Virtual Tour is a great way to showcase the site's infrastructure, increasing the likelihood of new students enrolling. When talking abouttourism sector, hotel bookings can increase by up to 45% with the presence of an online virtual tour.

Which Virtual Tour is best for you?

Virtual Tour for Google Maps

  • Includes 360º photos with image processing inserted and linked to your business on Google Maps

  • Includes personalized QRCode for customers to evaluate the establishment and increase the average score

  • Includes generation of a link with the tour to be sent in automatic responses on WhatsApp and Instagram

  • Can be hosted directly on your website without opening external link

Customized Virtual Tour

  • Includes 360º photos with image processing, to insert directly into Booking and Facebook

  • Includes custom design, customer logo in the corner, instructions for use, inclusion of texts and links 

  • Includes generation of a link with the tour to be sent in automatic responses on WhatsApp and Instagram

  • Includes offline virtual tour to be used regardless of platform

  • Can be hosted directly on your website without opening external link

Main doubts

My company has a 360º camera, can I send the photos for Oro360 to build the virtual tour?

Yes! Today we provide a professional to capture the photos, and if your company already has a 360º camera, you can send the photos and we will process the images and build the virtual tour, 100% remotely, making the virtual tour an investment much more accessible.

Can a Virtual Tour replace a face-to-face visit to my business?
The Virtual Tour is not intended to completely replace a face-to-face visit, but rather to complement it. It's a tool you can use to introduce your business to a wider audience that you might not have the opportunity to visit in person. In addition, it can help increase the likelihood of face-to-face visits, as the customer can feel more involved with your business after virtually visiting the space.

Will the Virtual Tour be effective for my type of business?
The Virtual Tour can be used in different types of businesses, from real estate to commercial establishments, schools and universities. Statistics prove that the tool is effective in increasing the likelihood of face-to-face visits, in addition to creating an engaging and unique experience for the public. We can work together to find the best strategy for your business.

Can I view on mobile?

Yes! The Virtual Tour is already developed on a specific platform to be viewed on cell phones, and even in virtual reality glasses in the personalized version.


How long does it take to get ready?

Time varies depending on the size of the venue. For a base, places of up to 150 square meters do not usually take more than 2 hours of photo capture. Full delivery is within 1 week.

Will the Virtual Tour be available forever?

The Virtual Tour is hosted on Google Maps, with Google's guarantee of being available forever, while in the customized package, in addition to having the tour hosted on the platform, you will also have the files to host on your own server.

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